Area Code 315
Area Code 315 is in New York
(212, 332, 646 and 917) - (315 and 680) - (329 and 845)
(363 and 516) - (624 and 716) - (631 and 934)
(518 and 838) - (718, 347, 917, 929)
Area Code 315 History:
Area code 315 was officially put into service. In 1954 area code 315 was split to form a portion of area code 607.
On March 11, 2017 area code 680 was officially put into service as an overlay of area code 315. Effective 2/11/2017 ten digit dialing (area code + seven digit number) became necessary in the 315/680 overlay because different homes in the same geographic area can have the same seven digit phone number but each would have a different area code.
Counties in New York within area code 315 include:
Cayuga County, Chenango County, Cortland County, Fulton County, Hamilton County, Herkimer County, Jefferson County, Lewis County, Madison County, Oneida County, Onondaga County, Ontario County, Oswego County, Otsego County, Saint Lawrence County, Seneca County, Wayne County, and Yates County.
Major cities or places in New York within area code 315:
Area code 315 serves west-central New York state including the larger cities and communities of Auburn, Rome, Syracuse, Utica, and Watertown in addition to many smaller communities.