Area Code 821
(803 and 839) - (821 and 864) - ((843 and 854)
Area Code 821 History:
Area code 821 was officially put into service as an all services overlay of area code 864. Area code 821 serves the same geographic area as area code 864. Ten digit dialing (area code + seven digit number) is necessary in the 864/821 overlay because different homes in the same geographic area can have the same seven digit phone number but each would have a different area code.
Counties in South Carolina within area code 821 include:
Abbeville County, Anderson County, Cherokee County, Greenville County, Greenwood County, Laurens County, McCormick County, Newberry County, Oconee County, Pickens County, Saluda County, Spartanburg County, and Union County.
Major cities or places in South Carolina within area code 821 include:
Area code 821 covers most of northwestern South Carolina including Anderson, Greenville, Greenwood and Spartanburg in addition to many smaller communities within the area code 821 service area.
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