Area Code 816
(314 and 557 and (816 and 975)
Area Code 816 History:
Area code 816 was officially put into service. Area code 816 has been split 2 times. In 1950 area code 816 was split to form a portion of area code 417. In 1997 area code 816 was split to form area code 660.
Area code 975 was put into services as an all services overlay of area code 816. Ten digit dialing (area code + seven digit number) is necessary in the 816/975 overlay because different homes in the same geographic area can have the same seven digit phone number but each would have a different area code.
Counties in Missouri within area code 816 include:
Andrew County, Bates County, Buchanan County, Caldwell County, Cass County, Clay County, Clinton County, Dekalb County, Henry County, Jackson County, Johnson County, Lafayette County, Platte County, and Ray County.
Major cities or places in Missouri within area code 816 include:
Area code 816 serves west-central Missouri which includes the Kansas City metropolitan area and the larger cities and communities of Blue Springs, Gladstone, Grandview, Independence, Kansas City, Lee's Summit, Liberty, Kearny, Platte City, Raytown and St. Joseph, in addition to many smaller communities within the area code 816 service area.